But how do you stay calm when the situation goes bad? How do you calm your nerves while the world around you is falling down? I believe there are some simple things you can do. Here are a few tips ; pick theones that work for you and you'll see how it goes. You'll thank me later, I am sure!
- Take a deep breath.
- Do nothing for 5 minutes.
- Take a nap.
- Take a shower.
- Listen to comforting calm music (or if Hard Metal suites you...however I don't really think it helpes).
- Listen to natural sounds.
- Play music.
- Share to a positive friend.
- Meditate, think where you've gone wrong and don't just blame those around you.
- Ask “What’s the next action?” and focus on only that one thing.
- Go to nature (mountain, beach, desert, etc.).
- Ride a bike or cruise around with your car.
- Talk about other topics.
- Drink a bottle of water (not the 5lt one however).
- Play games (just for a while!).
- Go eat or have a coffee with someone who is not part of the situation.
- Exercise.
- Read spiritual texts.
- Listen to spiritual audio programs.
- Unplug the Internet.
- Say to yourself, “This situation is not as bad as it looks. Many people have handled situations worse than this successfully.”
- Be grateful for what you stillhave (instead of looking at what you don’thave).
- Be grateful for what you can learn from the situation.
- Take a walk around a park or do some window shopping.
- SMILE!!!!!
These things help you get past the bad situation only on thesurface. To "really" pass a bad situation one needs to have a deeper understanding of what caused it, what could he learn from it (”There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. William Shakespeare ~ Hamlet), how could he apply what he learns from it in other aspects of his life and/or in the future, et cetera.
I hope it helps, please subscribe to my newsletter and I promise I'll get back and update you with great stuff!
Smith out!
look at tha kiiiiiddd! that's really something to keep you smiling!
super tips! I need to hold my horses every now and then:)) yeah! keep smiling!!
Interesting post but I don’t think these tips work in the real world. Of course, it depends on what the situation is but we usually don’t have the time in sticky situations for any of these tips with the exception of the first and the last one. So, between taking a deep breath and shooting off a smile we have to come up with quick creative solution to whatever the situation is.
I would suggest using the time when situations are good to improve oneself so you are ready for those bad times. Yes, we react badly a lot of times but it’s like everything else the more we practice it the better we get at it. Walking away every time from a bad situation doesn’t give us that experience of a bad situation. On the other hand, one can never be ready so… :)
I’d say learn to trust yourself and nurture that intuition.
If not, say “wait a minute….”, that buys time too :)
Keep up the good work, great site.
if I unplug my internet cable it gets worst hehe ;))
Thank you, Look child so loveable
isn't it? I really thought the same and I laughed to tears! of jooooy!!!