Sunday, August 30, 2009

New LAVIATORS - The new trend

Laviators 39 – 47!


Here he is, my favorite laviator, the kid!  Oh yes, there was a lot of, “No, no, no, don’t touch that!  Smile!  Look at the mirror, not the camera!  The mirror! I said don’t touch that!” going on, which was followed by, ”why?  why?  why?” which is kind of funny, because…well…I get that a lot when it comes to the laviators – Why?  And I still don’t have an answer.    
Well hello there, just me sending you a photo of myself in a toilet room.  This was on my flight from LAX to Narita… :) – Kim, Host & Co-Creator of
barbeeAm I in? -  Barbee

  I flew from DFW to Washington DC and couldn’t resist joining the “club.”  After I returned to my seat, my husband noticed the camera in my hand and asked if I had taken a photo.  I smiled sheepishly and said “yes, I’m now a member of the laviator’s club.”  LOL.  So, here’s another photo for your collection: 1st class lavatory, DFW to DCA – Laura Powers
 I’d like to join the laviators club, so I’m sending my picture ;) It was taken in a TAM A320, flying from Sao Paulo to Vitoria (SBVT) inBrazil. – Lucas

Laviating on Skywest (Delta Connection) between SLC and PHX while the seatbelt sign is on.  Aircraft was a CRJ-700 – Brad,

 Here I am, on my way back from a scuba diving vacation on CO387 from Belize City to Newark yesterday, a little tired, a little sunburned. And happy that I remembered to shoot my first laviator pic! – Nancy-  Metuchen, NJ

I perched myself up on the sink/counter area (after a good cleaning & sanitizing). – Rita,
I don’t know what it is about this photo that makes me smile, but I’m smiling, and I can’t stop smiling! 
 It’s  Ann of “The Trip Chicks” – Courtesy Delta Airlines ATL-ORD. A proud new member of Heather_Poole’s airline elite…. The Laviators!